Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Contract 1: Word a Day

OK. I’ve decided that the best way to move forward with this project is to commit myself to various contracts. They should serve to bind me to a task that will promote growth in my language skills, cultural skills, or knowledge of Hawai`i and the Hawaiian people.

The first contract will be for me to learn a new Hawaiian word each day. From the point in which a new word is added to the vocabulary, the English equivalent can no longer be used in conversation, writings, and, with hopes, eventually thoughts as well.

Exceptions should be obvious in the workplace. I’ll try to make a mental note of the substitutions, but will proceed with the English words in work related emails, documentation, and meetings. Exceptions will not exist in carrying on conversations with friends and family. In fact exactly the opposite will occur. Here I’ll push for their understanding (and learning via immersion) of what is being said. I’ll call this the “sneak attack” Likewise, the writing in this forum will change over time. The goal is for me to , by the end of this exercise, to be completely fluent and capable of expressing myself fully in Hawaiian.

OK. Let’s discuss the rules on word selection. What good will it do me to pick arbitrarily used words that show up in conversations rarely, if ever, to learn. I’ll need to select a word that I’ve identified that I use often and preferably on a daily basis. I’ll also want to avoid cheating and making use of words that I am already familiar with like mahalo (thanks), makana (gift), pau (finished, done). These words will be added to the list by default.

Thinking about the list, there needs to be a list maintained on the site that contains the English word, Hawaiian word, and the date it was added to the vocabulary. I’ll need to provide a link to that list on the main page as well.

I think that is it. If I think of anything else, I’ll amend it later.

A Hui Hou,